Learn More About Hemp-based Natural Fabrics

Hemp is one of the most versatile materials in existence. For years, hemp has been the go-to textile for suppliers looking for sustainable fabrics. From fashion to home decor, hemp is widely regarded as one of the most durable materials. Hemp textiles have antibacterial properties that keep furniture (and clothes) smelling fresh.

What are hemp textiles?

Hemp is a type of fabric that comes from the Cannabis sativa plant. Yes, the same plant is used for marihuana. After the plant is harvested, hemp fibers are separated from the stalks and leaves. These fibers are then cleaned, spun, and woven into fabrics.

Here’s how the process works:

  1. Hemp plants are harvested, and the stems are dried to remove moisture
  2. The hemp stems are soaked in water to break down the fibers and help separate them from the plant material
  3. Hemp fibers are then separated from the rest of the plant material
  4. Hemp fibers are then hackled to remove impurities
  5. Threads are now spun into yarn
  6. The yarn is woven into the fabric

Where is hemp fabric used?

Hemp fabric is used in countless ways. Primarily, hemp is sued to make clothing items—everything from shirts, pants, dresses, and jackets.

More recently, though, hemp fabric has been used to create home textiles. Hemp is used to making curtains, upholstery, and even bedding. These products are highly praised for their eco-friendliness and natural look and feel.

Hemp is hypoallergenic, so it’s excellent for bedding. Hemp has a low risk of causing allergic reactions, making it an ideal choice for people sensitive to wool or silk. In fact, hemp fabric is even more breathable than cotton.

Why is hemp fabric so popular now?

There are many reasons why you should choose hemp-based textiles over other fabrics.  Hemp is hypoallergenic, meaning it won’t irritate sensitive skin like some synthetic fibers can. It’s also breathable, so your bedding will help regulate body temperature while sleeping.

Hemp is also resistant to mildew and odors, so you won’t have to worry about upkeep as much.

In decor, hemp has many benefits, including:

  • Naturally pest-resistant
  • Durable and long-lasting
  • More durable than other natural fibers
  • Absorbent
  • Washable!

Not to mention, hemp can be dyed or printed in myriad ways, opening a new realm of possibilities for designers.

The truth is, we’re only scratching the surface regarding the fantastic benefits of using hemp textiles in clothing, bedding, and home textiles.

Written by Geraldine Orentas in partnership with furniture retailer Bauhaus 2 Your House

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